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Hearing Health House
Protect your hearing with Hocks Noise Brakers®
HOW-TO: Retube an Earmold
Supplies needed:
Reamer Tool
Cement (Acrylic for hard molds, Silicone for soft molds)
Preformed Tubes
Tube Puller
Alcohol pad or disinfectant wipe
A Tube Expander may be needed to stretch the tube
when reattaching it to the hearing aid.
Step-by-Step Directions
1. Run the earmold under hot water.
2. Remove old tubing with a smooth gentle motion. Do not tug; excessive force could rip the tube.
3. Remove any tubing bits from inside the hole, using a tubing reamer.
Apply cement inside the hole of the earmold.
Thread tube puller through the hole. Place the tip of the quilled end of the tube through the loop.
Pull firmly and steadily until the tubing is through the earmold. Position for comfort.
Carefully cut the tube as close to the earmold as possible.
Wipe earmold with a disinfectant cloth and reattach to hearing aid.
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